
If environmental pollution is the area which is not serious, even if it smokes, are there few risks cancer shows whose symptoms?


The custom of smoking is in an American Indian from the first.

But, we do not listen to the talk said that they died of cancer in large quantities.

As serious the rate of generating of cancer as the area to which civilization went is clear.

The relation between environmental pollution and cancer is clear.

Furthermore, a cancerous change of normal cells of a smoking person and a non-smoking person is compared in the excessive area of environmental pollution.

Then, it is proved this and that a smoking person also has many cancer patients overwhelmingly.

"Smoking does not become the direct cause of development of symptoms of cancer.

However, there is character which promotes development of symptoms of cancer remarkably according to environmental conditions."

The above interpretation is materialized.

Those who can never stop smoking had better emigrate to the area blessed with natural environment.

If the person lives with careful attention to health enough, the risk of development of symptoms of cancer is likely to be remarkably avoidable.

I do not get it.

But I do not want to become cancer too.

Those who consider like this should give up smoking too.

Just it is not enough in order to prevent cancer.

Ingestion of dangerous food must be avoided and the measure which should be cut to environmental pollution must be formed.

Prohibition of smoking is not all for healthy maintenance.

Prohibition of smoking is only the first step for healthy maintenance.

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