
What relation do a healthy maintenance system and volition have?


Even if it takes and considers one example of the cold of the preceding clause, it is found experientially that volition and immunity power are not unrelated.

This means that immunity power and self-restoration power reinforce depending on how to have volition.

"Where is volition made?"

If it supposes, common sense will answer "It is made from a cerebrum by common sense."

There is a function to control the autonomous nerve and hormone of the body in a cerebrum.

So, naturally influence is also in immunity descent.

The many are performed regardless of volition.

But, the voluntary-muscle circuit itself can also affect an involuntary muscle nerve circuit.

In yoga, if it becomes an expert, the muscles of the heart which must originally be an involuntary muscle can be controlled.

"Volition affects its body."

It seems that this is clear.

If this power is used effectively, it is expectable to bring about a result useful also for those who want to fatten, or those who want to become thin as well as health.

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