17 MIG fighter exile affair (4)

"That is so.

The circumference of Mouth has solidified in the fanatic.

That is why, even if Mouth does not push personally, the fellows will push the button."

"The United States also forces nuclear materials on a surprising country.

Does the means only have praying the long life of Mouth as for us?"

"However, Mouth is risked by cancer.

His time of death is near."

It is serious!

Did you talk to Fored by hot line?"

"I talked to him.

However, that fool was full of the head by the fact of his election.

He does not believe my talk."

Shutarou also understood the seriousness of the situation.

Chinese missile technology will be unripe.

Can't you shoot down with interceptor missiles?"

The enmity is the powerless.

Since they have the random orbit, we cannot calculate by computer.

It is the reason which will hit the mark if a poor gun is also shot mostly.

It is hopeless to intercept all for the missiles which fly."

"However, why did you make camouflage exile of Belonco direct at such important time ?

I am mysterious."

"In order to prevent this crisis, we are sending a lot of agents to China.

There is already no margin in time.

If the United States does not cooperate at all, it must be solved by our hand.

We have to riot in China after this.

That is why, we needed to attract attention by other facts."

If it was true, I said the impolite fact a while ago.

However, are you what may speak such an important fact fluently to me?

Brassirave made his face thrust into the tip of the nose of Shutarou.

"Any longer, we do not have time.

I think the man who can trust you.

So, I have talked to you.

Can you meet Jangle Queen are n't you?

Somehow, please meet and persuade Jangle Queen?

Only Jangle Queen is in the person who can press down Mouth now in China.

Jangle Queen will regret her life, since she is rousing power like Hsi-tai-hou.

There will surely be no mind that she commits suicide with Mouth.

Please flatter Jangle Queen.

Although Mouth dies, please talk not to push nuclear buttons."

Do you say I need to venture in China alone?

I love my life."

Even if Chinese nuclear missiles do not fall to Japan, the missiles of our country will attack China automatically.

The high living thing in the world becomes extinct by radioactivity only now.

It may fly also in American missiles.It is said anyhow.

At any rate,

American missiles are hardly influential."

"Can't you concentrate on retaliation being cautious and intercepting Chinese missiles?

Don't you ask the United States for cooperation?"

"Probably, I was said stupid Fored did not believe my talk!"

"What does CIA do!

Have not they told Fored the exact report?"

"A fellow called the director general's Pushy is a ruffian.

He is an ambitious fellow and is aiming at the presidential chair.

That fellow communicates with Cutter secretly and is by the mind which sits on the successor of Cutter.

For that purpose, he needs to strengthen his scaffold within the Rapeblican Party.

He expects the misgovernment of Fored."

If Pushy has reported the lie to Fored, do you say?

Did you take contact with Pushy?"

"No, yet"

"Hot line will be between KGB and CIA.

How about using it? "

"I will do OK."

Brassirave was rapidly talking to the subordinate and ordered him.

The subordinate came out of the room hurriedly.
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