Chapter 3

Vimalakirti knew visitors' degree of comprehension and has held the feeling of disappointment.

And he considered in the his real intention.

"In this way, I become sick.

However, what is Precious Guru considered in this?

His conception arrived to the mind of Guru Gautama who finished the seminar and was resting.

Guru Gautama considered that this was a good opportunity to try disciple's degree of comprehension.

It is then exactly,

the party of main senior classes made it free on his side.

Then, he said toward everybody.


Vimalakirti of the patron whom you know well in fact becomes sick, and is worrying.

Then, I want to ask.

Anyone is sufficient in you.

If you please, go to his house and listen to his condition of disease.

However, all seniors did astringent expression and looked at each other.

Guru Gautama connected the look with Sariputta who was present in its front.

"Mr. Sariputta,

You regard me as fit."

Sariputta already heard the talk to which Vimalakirti became sick, and knew it.

He was interested in with what Vimalakirti became sick.

But, since he did not think that Precious Guru ordered him to perform an inquiry, he was shaken.

The "inquiry" in this case was because it not only hears a trouble of a patient, but it was contained till doing a certain kind of medical treatment act.

The medical treatment service to a lay believer was the work which an ascetic should perform.

In order to treat it with a natural matter,

such advanced spirit capability was demanded that the sick cause was complicated.

"Precious Guru.

I cannot undertake the duty which treats him."

 Sariputta was uttered like this suddenly.

"Why is it?"

Guru Gautama became about a doubtful expression.

Sariputta was said shamefully.

"Ten months before ,

I sat on the bottom of a trunk in the wood, and was practicing yoga.

Mr. Vimalakirti came then.

He has asked me like this.


What do you do, sitting on such a place? "

Probably, everyone understands it.

The meditation was interrupted for the trivial question and I was rather unpleasant.

 "I am just going to do yoga practice of meditation."

I raised a few my voice and answered.

Then, he did pitiable expression and said like this.

"It is not decided that sitting down will be yoga practice."

Then, I said.

" I understand such a matter.

There is yoga practice which takes various pauses in other religious groups.

However, the penance is forbidden in our religious group.

Sitting down is the rational meditating method. "

He said like this in the quiet tone.

"In this phenomenon-universe,

the state of the mind and body which are not influenced of it.

We say doing so as yoga practice.

For that purpose, we extinguish the consciousness by self completely.

And we need to do action compared with space knowledge.

Moreover, it is also important yoga practice to spend common every day, making an effort searching for space knowledge.

Merely, you are going to shut the heart and can only settle down the heart.

Moreover, you are spoken to just for a moment, and will become confused.

It is unsavory if such."

I answered reluctantly.

"Surely I become confused with your words.

But, it is because my practice is unripe.

Isn't it related to the essence of meditation?

If we aim at the unification with space knowledge at all,

I think that it is satisfactory to the method of throwing away all idle thoughts, and sitting down and meditating."

He was not perturbed but said in this way.

The essence of the yoga practice by meditation is making the form of space knowledge in our mind and body.

By it, we make possible the state of accepting space knowledge.

Therefore, we presuppose that we had the wrong idea, for example.

However, all can be accepted if we master the method of training for 37 sorts which  Precious Guru developed.

We can also unite with the universe, not throwing away the wrong idea, either and not cutting off the crime of egoism.

If you understand this and you can sit down here,  Precious Guru will surely permit you the title of the volunteer spirit."

Precious Guru.

Then, I heard this language and I found that he was a volunteer spirit.

Therefore, I cannot do his medical treatment etc."

Guru Gautama became a few disappointed expression.

He permitted the proposal of Sariputta.

 Sariputta hung his head and returned to the seat.

Guru Gautama was said to Maudgalyayana this time.

"Would you go for an inquiry to the mansion of Vimalakirti?"

Maudgalyayana saluted in front of Guru Gautama.

And he described the language of a refusal.

"Precious Guru.

I cannot do his medical treatment etc., either.

It is a front about nine months.

I was also giving the audience partner the preaching meeting on the street in the open space of the shopping quarter of the Vaisali.

Then, Mr. Vimalakirti came and he said to me like this.

"Mr. Maudgalyayana.

In the preaching to audiences, your way is not suitable."

Since such interruption entered,

The audiences who were hearing my talk earnestly till then turned toward him.

The preaching is interrupted and I thought that I was unpleasant.

But, I considered the matter of the believers who are in the surroundings.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Vimalakirti

Can you teach in the matter with which bad part of my preaching?"

I asked so politely.

Then, he reasks like this.

"By the way, to whom do you preach?"

"They are the audiences who are here."

I answered so.

He has asked further.

"Which audiences are received?"

"It is all the members who are here."

I answered.

He started talking slowly.

The preaching is explaining space knowledge correctly.

Please remember the fundamental concept of the vacuum.

Space knowledge is the same as the vacuum.

It is explaining so.

It is the preaching to make audiences understand this.

The vacuum does not have egoism.

Therefore, there is also no prejudice by self-existence.

Therefore, self-existence is not needed, either.

If it becomes so, the vacuum does not make raw or death exist.

A life phenomenon is also unnecessary.

The life phenomenon does not have the continuous time exceeding life and death.

Moreover, the vacuum does not need self-existence.

Therefore, it cannot recognize for a partner inside  the vacuum.


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