
I will fatten, shortly after overeating.

But, even if a friend eats similarly, he does not fatten.

Why is it?


Unlike a machine etc., the structure of man's body is not simple.

So, weight does not change according to the eaten quantity.

The person in an overeating tendency is taking in the calorie beyond necessity continuously.

If a superfluous calorie is all absorbed inside of the body, the body will cause overheat and will break immediately.

The person will die in one day.

Even if it actually overeats, it does not die because the system discharged outside of the body without absorbing an unnecessary nutrient is working.

If it sees from those who have suffered from starvation, the fairly wasteful matter is done.

But, it is important when it is also useful to throw away.

Even if a healthy person overeats occasionally, the person does not fatten owing to it.

"Even if a healthy person overeats to the extent that a few [ a person ], he does not fatten."

After it is important, please be sure to keep this language in mind.

The body remembers its ideal weight.

It is not related to some of food.

There is a function to continue maintaining the state near it.

If the person is healthy, heavy eater or light eater can also maintain their ideal weight.

There are few minimum calories which need human beings for condition maintenance rather than we consider.

inserted by FC2 system