
The universe also consists of wave motions.

We described that the true nature of the self was wave motions.

However, it is not only the self.

All the things of the universe are made of "wave motions."

We do not need to refer to Einstein's "general theory of relativity."

Energy is the same as the substance.

Of course, energies are wave motions.

As for the realities, it is one figure of wave motions which we regard as the substance.

If there is little quantity of motion of wave motions and there is little amplitude, they will take a solid figure.

And radiation as those amplitude increases,it transmutes to a liquid, gas, a plasma object,

Every day,

the chair with which we are sitting down casually,

the cup of the china which we have in the hand,

the tea which is contained in it,

we are convinced substance of these.

As a matter of fact, they are all only "waves."

According to the state of waves, the self is convinced individual, liquid, and gas of each.

We make this state visualize forcibly.

The substance of the universe resembles the picture of the CRT of the television after a broadcast end.

And the wave motions like a bubble merely appear and disappear only.

"The output unit of television catches the electric wave which flies about space, and expresses a picture and a sound.

In the same way, the wave motions which are ego tune with an electric wave.

By this, we are performing informational re-processing."

This is the right figure in our world.

However, the mind does not have the capability to process directly the wave motions which fly about outside.

"Mind" must make the wave motions the "flesh" which surrounds itself, and must once transform external wave motions there.

We may consider our flesh to be the equipment like a television set.

Why is such a process required?

The reason is because the energy of the wave motions of mind is higher than the wave motions of a substance.

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